K.D. Menzies

Dragons Wake II: Son of Chaos

eBook, Paperback

Author: K.D. Menzies
Pages: 278
Language: English
Publisher: Jacol Publishing Co.

The paperback edition of this book can be purchased direct below from JaCol Publishing or the ebook edition online through Amazon at this link. The author receives more profit when purchased direct from the publisher. USA sales only.


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Silicon Valley antique specialist, Aiden Ferris has lived his life in human form. But his dragon form defines him. A dragon’s nature can’t be changed. He is bound to order and cannot lie. His wife though not dead, remains trapped in the void. He continues to try and get her back while new threats arise, a primordial god called the Gray Wolf and a mysterious god calling himself the Rising Sun. It seems a dragon of order’s work is never done. As before, the aid of Titans, Oceanids, and the remnants of the Olympian gods will be needed on his way to protect the ones he loves and all else he cares about.

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